With this phase of the project we began executing the pilot of our experiment. We gathered a group of participants that would perform the Diapix tasks (a set of blind partner spot the difference images) that we prepared for them, which was recorded with their consent. With the videos taken, we plan to analyze the gestures and behaviors each participant had during the trials and examine how they changed based on the combination of language pairs: English x English, Mandarin x Mandarin, and English x Mandarin; with both the masked and unmasked trials.
Images used during the English x English Masked Trial
English x English Masked Trial Participants
Images used during the English x Mandarin Unmasked Trial
English x Mandarin Unmasked Trial Participants
**All Diapix Images were sourced from Baker, R., & Hazan, V. (2011). DiapixUK: task materials for the elicitation of multiple spontaneous speech dialogs. Behavior research methods, 761–770 https://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/project/kidLUCID/diapix.php**